Membership Application


The online payment form has been returned to its' normal configuration and supports our transition to a calendar year renewal process. The issue with the ReCapcha paywall stalling has been resolved (FINALLY!) and should no longer prevent using the online membership application....I will be reviewing this form for continued relevance with an eye to making it more intuitive and "user-friendly" going forward, but in the meantime please note that any fields on the form MARKED WITH AN (*) will require an entry or the damned form will fight with you!


To pay online, please fill out the form displayed on this page -OR- click  HERE for a fillable PDF application form that you can print and mail with your check (if you prefer).

Membership Application Form
Select your option.(*)
Gotta choose an option.....either you're a New Member, or you're a Renewal - select which one and for how long.
* Membership Requirements - Current FMCA member and owner of a qualifying recreational vehicle. For reinstatement of membership - previous member of Safari International, current FMCA member and owner of a qualifying recreational vehicle.
FMCA membership # F:(*)
Please enter your membership number. Example: 1234. DO NOT include an "F." The "F" is already in the field by default.
Pilot's first and last name(*)
Invalid Input
Copilot's first and last name (optional)
Invalid Input
Please provide your primary mailing address information.
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Home phone(*)
Invalid Input
Cell phone
Invalid Input
Dates at this address(*)
Invalid Input
E-mail address(*)
Invalid Input
List in Directory?(*)
Invalid Input
Home state if different from mailing address
Invalid Input
Please provide your secondary mailing address information.
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Home phone
Invalid Input
Cell phone
Invalid Input
Dates at this address
Invalid Input
E-mail address
Invalid Input
List in Directory?
Invalid Input
Are you a new member?(*)
Invalid Input
Order badges?(*)
Invalid Input
Coach information is required of new members.
Coach manufacturer and model(*)
Invalid Input
Coach year(*)
Invalid Input
Coach length (*)
Invalid Input
Vin No. (last 6 digits only)(*)
Invalid Input
Date purchased(*)
Invalid Input
Number of children under 18(*)
Invalid Input
Full-time RVers(*)
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Name Badge (1 per person) - Please type your name as you want it to appear. Badges are $10.00 each.
Name badges (1 per person) are FREE ONLY with your initial 2-year paid new membership or with the first renewal of your initial 1-year paid new membership. Please type your name as you want it to appear.
Please select badge(s):
Invalid Input
Pilot's first name (or nickname) and last name
Invalid Input
Pilot's town and state (optional)
Invalid Input
Copilot's first name (or nickname) and last name (optional)
Invalid Input
Copilot's town and state (optional)
Invalid Input
How did you hear about us?
Invalid Input
Total USD 0.00
Invalid Input
No PayPal Acc't required...
Invalid Input


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