Hi Bob,
No the addition was not difficult. The hardest part was removing the wheels. That said, if you do this, be sure first that the ride height is correct. The only tool that will make the job very easy is a Mini-Mag drill. It has an electro-magnet foot and acts like a drill press. This tool will hold itself a vertical surface when the magnet is turned on. To use this you will need the appropriate 1/2 inch mill type drill as it cuts a very square round hole, no burs and all the material comes out cleanly. It won't take fifteen minutes to drill all the holes, it will take longer to lay it all out.
The end result will amaze you as the ride will be as close as you will ever get to an 8 air bag coach!! Comparing to before and after, night and day!
Yes this is an extraordinary coach and not a single call. It might appear to be priced to high but it was an options loaded coach and to do what I have done to bring it up to the current standard would have cost far more than what I am asking and I am negotiable to a degree. I do not know maybe they think it is BS. I also have to consider that there is not much traffic here either.
Good luck
Bill Edwards